Baptism: Third Saturday of the month after the 6:00 p.m. mass. Please call the parish office for more details since prior registration and class participation is required. (Baptisms are not scheduled during the Lenten or Advent seasons.)
Reconciliation: The sacrament of penance is celebrated Saturday from 4:30 to 5:30 PM and by appointment.
Holy Communion: Preparation for First Communion is provided through our parish's religious education program. Please contact parish office for more information.
Confirmation: Preparation for confirmation provided through our parish's religious education program. Please contact parish office for more information.
Matrimony: Please contact the parish office at least 6 months prior to desired wedding date. An appointment must be made with the pastor. (Weddings are not scheduled during the Lenten or Advent seasons.)
Holy Orders: If you would like to get more information about discerning a priestly or religious vocation, please contact the Diocese of Corpus Christi - Office of Vocations.
Anointing of the Sick: Anointing of the sick is celebrated for those who are ill at home or in the hospital. Please call the parish office at (361)547-9181.
OCIA: Please call Deacon Mark at (361)597-8049.
Prayer Requests: For prayer requests, please contact the parish office at (361)547-9181.
Quinceaneras: Family must be registered in the church. Please contact the parish office at least 1 year prior to desired Quinceanera date. Candidate must have successfully met the religious education attendance and course requirements for the prior 2 years. (Quinceaneras are not scheduled during the Lenten or Advent seasons.)